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Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to prevent the children in our community from going hungry by providing those in need with food through a community-wide effort to be distributed anonymously by our schools.

How it works

  • We collect donations during the week from the community. 

  • Schools give us a number of kits needed for the upcoming weekend 

  • Weekend kits are put together by groups of volunteers the day before school gets out. 

  • Weekend kits are delivered to the schools where the faculty then distributes them to kids who need them. 

  • Volunteers never know for who or where these weekend kits go. 


How to help

If everyone added an extra few items to their shopping list each week, we could help a lot of kids. Together as families, friends, neighbors, leaders, and employees, we can make a great difference in the lives of the children in our own

back yard. 

If you want a service project to do as a family, church, club, team or just yourself, we would love to have your help! Many hands make light work! 

Latest volunteer project:


Oh, my heart is full tonight. Today was crazy but amazing! We had an amazing group of ladies from a local church group who packed the kits tonight! Thank you thank you!! They were fast and amazing!

Also, I just want to say thank you so much for all of you who contributed! This would not be possible without you! I left to the store for an hour and came home to my box overflowing with food! There were bags of food left at my other door as well. AMAZING!!! When I returned home tonight I also found 2 big garbage bags full of cereal that had been separated already!  






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